

TEN决定将尼克“蜂蜜badge”康明斯作为其最新单身汉的决定是对性别力量的练习。Bec Brideson解释说,营销人员应该密切关注这一切的含义。

单身汉的评分正在发生一些非常有趣的事情。蜂蜜badge将“球”放在眼球中 - 吸引了76,000名新粉丝参加该节目,其中只有1000名是女性。学士学位的成功表明,他们的制片人要么明智地或不知不觉地进行了攻击,这是为了吸引“浪漫”表演的代码。营销人员有一个教训。

Honey Badger是选择对与错的人才和角色对您品牌的性别吸引力的影响。我总是能看到它。客户被“谈论/欺负”接受了单一镜头的创意,那里的人才只不过是廉价插科打or或产品演示的陈词滥调。


Whether it’s a mansplaining ambassador with a condescending voice-over, a credible actress being made to play an air-head, or an insight that simply doesn’t resonate as anything a woman would do or a father should be, it all has the same effect. It fails to deeply engage (this tends to be unconscious and therefore not expressed or uncovered in the concept research). That joke that makes the sardonic hipsters smile on set or in the edit suite has left your market with a negative charge, and a massive media budget wasted.

As the article suggests, Sophie Monk had a big role to play in evolving the show’s perception from being a scrap fight for dating, into an opportunity for character analysis, opportunities for self-reflection and sharing as we voyeuristically watch males and females search for love. Her humour and humanity took the show to a new level.

那么,为什么以前的单身汉不像the the呢?好吧,当然,他很有名。但是,还有更多。以前的单身汉是俗气的陈词滥调 - 燕尾服的漂亮剪裁王子。对于普通人来说,它们并不可信或相关,也不是本来可以的。

Matty J 2017年的单身汉赛季

Honey Badger是一个与之理解并与之相关的角色。像索菲·蒙克(Sophie Monk)一样,他遇到了有趣而真实的。最重要的是,当您观看他们中的任何一个时,您会感觉到自己正在与他们开玩笑。常规的家伙,讽刺和幽默使他们允许加入乐趣。


Answers have ranged from slack-jaw-surprise that I’d even waste time suggesting otherwise, to fire-side chats that “the gender stuff is getting old – you should find a new angle” to agreement that “we just always did it that way”.


Bec Brideson通过更好地了解性别差异的力量来帮助企业和品牌。




