曾是原始改革委员会的一员的Astra会议参议员詹姆斯·帕特森(James Paterson)的旁观者表示,可以在以后的日期做出进一步的变化,而三项规则可以在以后进行。
While the government was due to pass a raft of reforms earlier this year that was stalled by an early election, which saw a shake up of the Senate and a number of cross-benchers such as Pauline Hanson and Derryn Hinch elected.目前尚不清楚他们在改革的位置。
“我的观点是该立法进行的最好的,最有可能的途径是在劳动支持方面,这将是非常困难的,因为正如您所说,那么,每个人都需要进行很多谈判aspect of it and so I’m hopeful we will have the bipartisan consensus on this and we can move this part of the agenda,” Paterson told Mumbrella.
“We don’t feel like enough has changed between only a few months ago when we did it once, but Labor and the Greens and some of the cross-bench referred it to the committee again and so we have to go through the process and we will go through the process.”
“As a general observation about the participation of media companies in the enquiry, just generally, in our work as parliamentarians when we are approached by people representing companies and industry groups, I think it’s best to be upfront about the interest you represent and how you represent it,” Paterson told the conference.
“当人们来代表自己时,我们会变得非常愤世嫉俗 - 好像他们只是出于良好的政策和公共利益,当然(结果)没有商业利益。
“We are not naive, we do understand you have got a commercial interest to represent and if you’re upfront about that and honest and say ‘we think you should go for these public policy reasons but we will also benefit from this, and this is why’, then you are going to be taken much more seriously and you are going to have much more credibility.