
凯尔·桑迪兰兹(Kyle Sandilands)的圣母玛利亚评论违反了体面规则,但没有煽动仇恨:阿卡玛(Acma)

凯尔·桑迪兰兹(Kyle Sandilands)’ comments that the Virgin Mary “lied” about falling pregnant to a “magical ghost” when “someone chock-a-blocked her behind the camel shed” attracted 180 complaints to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), and breached rules relating to standards of decency, the watchdog has ruled.

In the Kyle and Jackie O segment, broadcast a year ago, Sandilands also called Christians “dumb as dog shit”, but his comments did not reach the high threshold required to ‘incite hatred and severe ridicule’ on the basis of religion, according to ACMA.

“ Acma指出,除了投诉人提到的'愚蠢的狗狗般的评论外,广播还包括对重要的基督教宗教人物的粗略提及,包括玛丽·玛格达琳(Mary Magdalene)('Prossie'和'whore');the Virgin Mary (where ‘someone chock-a-blocked her behind the camel shed’ and ‘she lied’), God (as a ‘magical ghost’ and ‘a giant man in sandals’), Moses (‘some other bastard parted some ocean’) and Jesus (as ‘a magic man’ and ancient version of ‘Chris Angel’),” ACMA’s investigation report noted.

监管机构的主席内里达·奥洛夫林(Nerida O’Loughlin)说,虽然虽然澳大利亚人通常宽容不敬虔的幽默和对宗教的批判性讨论……他们不会期望广播计划会因为他们的宗教信仰而嘲笑人们的智慧。”


Responding to the complaints, Australian Radio Network (ARN), which owns the station that broadcasts Kyle and Jackie O’s show, Kiis 1065, noted that Sandilands’ “strong views and colourful vernacular … may be exaggerated or amplified for deliberate effect and may not be representative of the general public”. On this occasion, his opinion was “stridently expressed (in his usual style)”, the radio company submitted.

“The use of the phrase ‘dumb as dog-shit’ in the segment may seem confronting to persons who are unaccustomed to Mr Sandilands’ frequent use of colloquialisms, but its impact is greatly diminished if contextualised against the regular use of colourful phrases often used by Mr Sandilands,” ARN added.



实际上,据该公司称,凯尔(Kyle)和杰基·奥(Jackie O)的听众“几乎没有犯罪”,因为投诉源于在线录像的观众。Acma证实,广播的听众本身是180名投诉人群的一部分。


桑迪兰德也向空中道歉在接受评论的死亡威胁之后,抗议者聚集在Arn Studios外面。

“Truly, from the bottom of my heart, never do I want to make someone so angry that they don’t want to listen to the show, neither do I want them to be so enraged that they are threatening to kill people over something I’ve said,” he said.






“ Arn接受了ACMA关于违反《商业无线电法典》的最终决定和调查结果,与规范标准有关,并且没有违反《根据宗教煽动严重嘲笑的法规》。Arn感谢他们考虑了Arn为解决2019年9月18日广播所采取的广泛步骤。


“在过去的10年中,Arn没有违反正礼节的规定,并为该细分市场造成的任何困扰感到遗憾。在广播之后的时间,ARN采取了许多措施来纠正这种情况,包括广播Kyle Sandilands的前所未有,漫长而真诚的空中道歉,这在KIIS网站上也仍然可用。澳大利亚的基督教和穆斯林信仰领袖接受了凯尔的道歉,该道歉也发表在公开声明中。”

凯尔(Kyle)和杰基·O(Jackie OMove Jackie’O’Henderson此后说Sandilands在背后精心策划- 桑迪兰德吸引了Acma的注意力,包括2009年的探测器丑闻。这场争议后不久,桑迪兰斯被暂停建议马格达·苏班斯基(Magda Szubanski

桑迪兰兹也威胁要“追捕”一名记者,他称之为“胖渣”和“狗屎”进行负面评论,并称呼2GB主持人雷·哈德利(Ray Hadley)和行人电视“狗屎”在他们批评基斯FM的彼得·德佩勒(Peter Deppeler)(被称为“实习生”)之后,他在史蒂夫·史密斯(Steve Smith)在2018年遭到启动的击球新闻发布会上的问题。

Arn的母公司HT&E,最近报告了5900万美元的亏损, 下列的在无线电收视率返回之前的营销推动,由于Covid-19对数据收集的影响而被暂停。作为对大流行的回应的一部分今年早些时候实施削减薪水, 和7月大约降低了该团队的5%

上周,公司重组其商业部门并将劳伦·乔伊斯(Lauren Joyce)晋升为首席战略和联系官。




